The gym culture in India and the gyms that have mushroomed across cities and towns are testaments to the fact that people have been flocking to these places to remain well-groomed and fit. The craze is evident from the fact that gyms provide various offers to woo the crowd.

The question remains whether these centers are providing suitable exercise options. Also, taking cues from the Internet, many indulge in hardcore exercises without realizing the ill effects. Even social media has gained inroads into people’s minds, with many blindly following without taking any expert opinion on whether specific exercises are needed or not.

Regular exercise is well-promoted among the medical fraternity as it boosts overall mental health and prevents certain diseases.

People want to find solace from their grinding daily activities by exercising in various forms; however, few realize that overdoing exercises can be fatal. Even yoga, swimming, and running, apart from regular exercises, need a proper mentor to watch the exact nature of exercise best suited for the body.

The challenges

Overexercising has its challenges as it stresses the body beyond its limits. Strenuous workouts are known to take a severe toll, leading to death among many. Extreme exercises, like cardio, may lead to stress in the heart, arrhythmias, atherosclerosis, etc, and may invite cardiac arrest. 

The body takes time to come to normal mode after over-exercising. Some of the common symptoms are feeling tired, injuries, muscle sprain, mood swings, sore muscles, and leading to depression.

Other symptoms include excessive sweating and overheating. Intense workouts may lead to fractures, and walking on a speedy treadmill and falling can cause fractures and bone dislocation.

Too much exercise also causes fatigue in the workplace. Rather than doing good, it does more harm.

The way out

It is advisable to always follow a trainer’s advice on how to exercise actively, keeping certain things in mind. Tips can avoid a sudden fall and muscle sprains. Many households buy accessories to exercise without taking any guidance from trainers. The result may be catastrophic in case of an unwanted scenario, and medical intervention is needed at that juncture.

Taking sufficient rest and keeping dehydrated, if one feels that the level of exercise has reached a body’s threshold, is recommended.

It is suggested that a nutritious fixed diet be followed during regular exercise; however, if the body overexercises, it is deprived of much-needed nutrition, which may lead to deficiencies in the long run.

The current situation regarding overexercising is alarming and going by the trend; the day is not far when many will be affected by overexercising, which can damage their mental and physical well-being.