All about the pink eye, conjunctivitis

Coming across someone wearing sunglasses even when there is no sunlight sounds weird. However, doctors are advised to wear sunglasses when suffering from conjunctivitis. Also known as Pink Eye, conjunctivitis is common during the monsoon season. The red, itchy, sticky eyes caused by viruses, bacteria, or allergens have been known for ages and are widespread across the country, having various native names.


School-going children and adults are most susceptible, and not maintaining proper hygiene is the reason for its propagation. A humid atmosphere and close contact with an infected person may lead to the formation of conjunctivitis.


Forms of conjunctivitis

There are five forms of conjunctivitis: viral, bacterial, allergic, toxic, and non-specific. Viral conjunctivitis is the most common of all of them. Adenoviral conjunctivitis is the most common subtype of conjunctivitis that was found to infect a majority of the population in India. It may lead to the formation of Keratoconjunctivitis that affects conjunctiva and cornea. Conjunctivitis leads to red, itchy eyes; patients may experience sensitivity to light, also known as photophobia, and grittiness of eyes.


Allergic conjunctivitis occurs due to airborne allergens. Symptoms are the same, and people susceptible to allergies are prone to this type of conjunctivitis. We also come across the term toxic conjunctivitis, which occurs due to damage to the ocular tissues from an offloading agent due to preservatives or medication.



A visit to the doctor is a must. There is no known cure for viral conjunctivitis. It may take three to five days for full recovery. Bacterial conjunctivitis is highly contagious, where coloury yellow, white, or green discharges occur throughout the day. It is always advisable to approach a physician in case of conjunctivitis. Patients suffering from conjunctivitis can use cool and warm compresses at intervals to get much relief and clean the sticky discharge from the eyes.


First, one should visit an ophthalmologist and take proper medication like prescribed eye drops. Many tend to see the medical shop and buy OTC drugs, avoiding visiting the doctor. The second most important aspect is maintaining hygiene, where one should wash hands before touching the eye, use neat and fresh clothes to clean the eyes, etc. Using eye gels, cosmetics, and contact lenses should be avoided for some time in case of an infection.



Seasonal diseases come and go, and what needs to be done is to take precautions. That may help mitigate the crisis to some extent. Also, one should avoid misconceptions that staring at someone with conjunctivitis will lead to contracting conjunctivitis.