The news of someone suffering a stroke brings shivers down the spine, with many of us pondering about paralysis, speech impairment, etc. Stroke deals a death blow to anyone, and the most susceptible are the ones suffering from diabetes. India is the diabetes capital of the world, and with it, the danger of associated stroke lurks somewhere. Strokes are fatal and may lead to paralysis, speech difficulty, damaged brain tissue, disability, face drooping besides a lot of side effects, etc.


Uncontrolled glucose level leads to diabetes. Adults who have diabetes are twice as likely to suffer from a stroke than those who are not diagnosed with diabetes. According to a study by the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), India has over 100 million diabetics and 136 million pre-diabetics.


Diabetes and stroke are interlinked.

Diabetes is a silent killer and is associated with a host of diseases. Diabetes prevents the body from correctly processing the food. With the body unable to produce insulin naturally, glucose levels increase, and the chances of damaged blood vessels expand. Excessive glucose in the blood results in increased fatty deposits or clots in blood vessels that supply blood to the neck and brain. Once the warranty starts to grow, the wall of the blood vessels narrows, resulting in blockage. With an interruption in the blood supply to the brain, brain cells are prevented from receiving blood and oxygen, resulting in strokes.



Controlling diabetes should be the main focus. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, free from obesity, avoiding smoking and drinking, and keeping a focused heart-healthy diet will help prevent diabetes and lessen the risk of stroke. Consuming sweets, sugary drinks, junk foods, and high-cholesterol diets will likely increase the risk of diabetes. Regular blood check-ups, visits to the medical practitioner, and taking the appropriate medicines will reduce the risk.


Physical inactivity is another main reason to become obese, leading to high waist circumference. Brisk walking for some time in the morning and evening will help to burn calories and help control blood sugar; hence, the risk of stroke decreases manifold.


Post-stroke side effects

A stroke survivor can have long-term consequences, including dementia, if suffering from diabetes. According to a study published in JAMA Network Open, a monthly open-access medical journal published by the American Medical Association, stroke survivors may experience a faster loss of general thinking ability who had high blood glucose in the years after their health crisis.


Keeping the above things in mind, diabetes needs to be held at bay to prevent one from getting a stroke. Following the proper food habits and abstaining from diets that can increase the chances of diabetes, with an appropriate medical check-up, will keep stroke away.