The recent spate of Zika virus infections in Pune and Sangli areas of Maharashtra is a matter of grave concern. Vector-borne diseases are everywhere. Unlike other viral infections, Zika virus-infected patients are at the receiving end. The onset of the monsoon sees a lot of dengue and malaria infections, and the spread of Zika is adding to the woes.

Zika virus has an association with microcephaly and other neurological diseases. Guillain-Barre syndrome has been associated with the virus.

A brief history

The Zika virus was first noticed in monkeys in Uganda in 1947. Sparse incidents of a Zika outbreak were reported from a few places globally. Brazil reported severe cases of the Zika virus in 2015 and 2016. The virus also marked its presence in Africa, the Pacific, and the Americas.

India also reported an incidence of the Zika virus in Gujarat in 2016. Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Kerala, and Delhi registered Zika reported Zika outbreaks in the past.


Tropical countries have major mosquito infestations due to favorable weather conditions to survive. Aedes mosquitoes serve as the carriers for the Zika virus. The virus leads to congenital disabilities. Accumulated water is a favorable breeding ground for mosquitoes. The mosquitoes wreak havoc and carry various diseases. Zika belongs to arthropod-borne virus, and the genus is Flavivirus. Zika’s genus is related to dengue, West Nile virus, Japanese Encephalitis, and Yellow Fever.

The symptoms

Zika virus impacts the nervous system. The virus spreads through sex or from the mother to the fetus during pregnancy. The symptoms include joint and muscle pain, rash, fever, headaches, and conjunctivitis.

Congenital Zika virus symptoms can have severe repercussions on newborns. Babies suffer from smaller head sizes and brain development challenges—feeding problems, hearing loss, seizures, and contractures.

Brazil and Latin American countries reported microcephaly due to the Zika virus. The condition leads to babies born with small heads.

Underdeveloped brains lead to brain calcifications and other common neuro disorders.


The prevention measures revolve around eradicating mosquitoes. Spraying and fogging, in addition to removing accumulated water, will help to prevent mosquito breeding and keep the vectors at bay. Insect repellent, wearing long-sleeved clothes, etc., will prevent the Zika virus from spreading. Using mosquito nets while sleeping can prevent bites. Taking time to fix the mosquito net daily will help prevent the virus.


There are no specific treatments to cure the Zika virus. The symptoms go away while one recovers. Resting and staying hydrated will aid a patient’s quick recovery.

Quick medical intervention, blood tests, and medicines to reduce fever help in faster recovery. With no available vaccine, there is a lurking danger with Zika.

More Surveillance

Mosquito-borne diseases are common in India. Due to the outbreak of these diseases, the healthcare sector is under severe stress. The health department is conducting many preventive measures.

Zika virus is a deadly disease. Eradicating mosquitoes will help prevent the disease from spreading. More public awareness is necessary.