Older age is full of challenges for many, and suffering from Parkinson’s disease (PD) adds to the woes. PD has reached alarming proportions where aged people are often found with hands shaking rhythmically, also known as tremors. PD is associated with brain disorders where specific automatic movements are limited, with challenges in writing and, in some cases, speech impairment.


Though primarily associated with the elderly population and affecting the male population than the female, according to various research being undertaken, young people are also susceptible to the disease. Deemed as a progressive neuro disorder, the disease affects the nerves and the nervous system, making it difficult for a person to cope with day-to-day activities. The disease results in mobility issues and a high rate of disability, and some people can develop dementia. Degeneration of nerve cells makes people more prone to PD, which controls voluntary movements.



Neurons in the brain produce a chemical known as dopamine, and when these neurons become impaired, less dopamine     is produced, resulting in mobility issues. In some instances, the brain is also unable to produce norepinephrine and serotonin, which interact with the functioning of motor movements and mood and ultimately lead to depression.



The primary symptoms of Parkinson’s disease are movement disability, involuntary movement, balancing issues, and rigidity. The non-motor symptoms include cognitive impairment, mental health disorder, dementia, sleep disorder, and sensory disturbances: multiple system atrophy, progressive supranuclear palsy, chorea, ataxia, and dystonia. Patients may also experience pain in the lower back and on the back of the neck.


A severe form of PD may result in dementia, where memory loss is also found in patients.



There are no concrete treatment options available for PD. However, therapies, including medication, surgery, and rehabilitation, can reduce symptoms to a certain extent. Deep brain stimulation can help reduce tremors and bring much-needed relief.



PD can’t be cured completely. However, proper medications will help to mitigate the crisis to some extent. A patient suffering from the disease can lead an everyday life and near-normal life expectancy.


Early medical intervention with proper medication will help control symptoms associated with PD. Lifestyle changes, physical activities, and regular exercise are also recommended. 


The outlook

PD is full of challenges like any other disease, and people residing in rural areas are devoid of proper treatment facilities. Though there has been a revolution in PD care with new medicines and telemedicine opportunities, many cases still go undetected.

Creating more awareness about the disease and helping the elderly with open arms, proper medication, diet, and exercise will be a win-win situation for both caregivers and patients.